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Hunkered Down at Home

So much for enjoying the AC and social banter at the office. Everyone is stuck at home with mum. No more shared lunches. No more cups of tea and fruit from Manika. The Internet is stable and we are all connected. Work from New Zealand is flowing. Time for the fan on full and a sticky afternoon in the summer sweat of Vizag. There is even no escape from the weekly staff meeting. Susie got everyone hooked up to a Zoom meeting last week and we all had a quick catch up and a laugh. Everyone is home with their families and I am sure a few of the boys are secretly wearing shorts and letting their spider legs free. Susie and Santosh are at the ready for video call links to solve any problems and our Pod Leaders are in regular contact with their teams. Big thanks to the team for coping with this massive upset to their routine. Vizag is locked down. People are able to shop for supplies between 7am and 1pm. One person to a scooter, that’s got to be good, and 2 to a car. If you are out anytime other than this and breaking the rules the cops will whack you with a stick. Go India, and good luck.

At times like this the closer we are together and the routine of keeping busy surely helps us deal with the uncertainties. We do not know how long this will last. India is just beginning to feel the effects of the pandemic. For many this will be an unprecedented disaster. Take care of those nearby. We are working together to keep our chins up.

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